
When Medicine Got it Wrong

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 7:30 pm
USA 2009. Directors: Katie Cadigan, Laura Murray
Post-screening discussion with Joan Nazif and Susan Inman

Co-sponsored by the Family Advisory Committee, Vancouver Community Mental Health Services.

When Medicine Got it WrongDirectors Katie Cadigan and Laura Murray’s hard-hitting documentary which provides historical context for our contemporary mental health care crisis.

It’s Not Me, I Swear! (C’est pas moi, je le jure!)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 – 7:30pm
Canada 2008. Director: Philippe Falardeau
Cast: Antoine L’Écuyer, Suzanne Clément, Daniel Brière, Catherine Faucher, Gabriel Maillé
Post-screening discussion with Dr. Myles Blank

This fresh, fast-paced seriocomic gem is set in the summer of 1968 in suburban Montreal, where 10-year-old hellion Léon (newcomer Antoine L’Écuyer) embarks on a spree of destructive and self-destructive behaviour as his parents’ marriage crumbles.

Young Freud in Gaza

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 – 7:30pm
Sweden, 2008. Directors: PeÅ Holmquist and Suzanne Khardalian

 VANCOUVER PREMIERE! This arresting documentary follows a young psychotherapist in Gaza as he struggles to provide therapy against a backdrop of armed clashes and his own family issues.

About Face: The Story of Gwendellin Bradshaw

Wednesday, September 16, 2009 – 8:00 PM
** Please note this one-time only special start time of 8:00 PM **

USA 2009. Director: Mary Katzke
Post-screening discussion with Mary Katzke and Dr. Carolyn Steinberg
Co-sponsored by Richmond Hospital’s Department of Psychiatry.

About FaceA woman sets off to find her estranged mother, beginning what is a five-year journey towards healing and acceptance in this heartrending documentary.



Wednesday, August 19, 2009 – 7:30pm
Great Britain 1965. Director: Roman Polanski
Cast: Catherine Deneuve, Ian Hendry, John Fraser, Yvonne Furneaux, Patrick Wymark
Post-screening discussion with Brian Ganter
Presented in partnership with Pacific Cinémathèque’s Education Department.

One of modern cinema’s most masterful studies of mental breakdown, Catherine Deneuve stars as Carol, an isolated young woman who believes she has been sexually assaulted.

Summer Classics Series: 2 By Roman Polanski

Our “Frames of Mind” Summer Classics series this year features two of Polanski’s superb psychological horror films, both of which tackle the theme of a descent into madness with the iconoclastic director’s trademark emotional acuity, visual stylishness and blackly comic wit.

The Tenant (Le locataire)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 – 7:30pm
France 1976. Director: Roman Polanski
Cast: Roman Polanski, Isabelle Adjani, Shelley Winters, Melvyn Douglas, Jo Ann Fleet
Post-screening discussion with Ramon Kubicek

The TenantA macabre tale of insanity, claustrophobia and transposable identity starring the film’s masterful director Roman Polanski.

Prodigal Sons

Wednesday, June 17, 2009- 7:30 PM Vancouver Premiere!
USA 2008. Director: Kimberly Reed
Post-Screening discussion with Dr. Anton Scamvougeras

This fascinating study of family dynamics traces the history and disparate trajectories of three brothers who grew up to lead unconventional lives.

Ben X

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 – 7:30 PM
Belgium/Netherlands 2007. Director: Nic Balthazar Cast: Greg Timmermans, Laura Verlinden, Marijke Pinoy, Pol Goossen, Titus De Voogdt, Maarten Claeyssens
Post-screening discussion with Dr. Vikram Dua and Ms Teresa Triggiano (Harris) 
Co-sponsored by ACT – Autism Community Training Society and the Kelty Resource Centre.

Virtual reality, live-action vérité style and docudrama combine in this teen angst story of a young boy with Asperger’s Syndrome.

Over My Dad’s Body

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 – 7:30pm
Israel 2007. Director: Taliya Finkel
Cosponsored by the Vancouver Jewish Film Festival Society

VANCOUVER PREMIERE  |  When filmmaker Taliya Finkel was young, she never knew for sure whether her Uncle Sterik was an impostor or a true member of the family. Her father claimed his real brother had been murdered in a Ukrainian prison — and that the KGB had stolen his identity and sent a substitute to Israel.